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Posts for Art & Collection

The Early Life of Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol, Untitled

The Early Life of Andy Warhol

Art & Collection

Today is the birthday of Andy Warhol, born August 6, 1928. Late in 2013, Crystal Bridges received a remarkable gift from Arkansas donor Martha Sutherland—a painting she purchased from the…

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In Celebration of Luis Jimenez (1940-2006)
Luis Jimenez, Vaquero sculpture

In Celebration of Luis Jimenez (1940-2006)

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
Today is the birthday of Luis Jimenez, (1940-2006), creator of Vaquero, the sculpture that stands in the Twin Bridges area south of the Museum. Here are a few fun facts about…
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Nam June Paik – Global Art Legend (Part 2)
Nam June Paik,

Nam June Paik – Global Art Legend (Part 2)

Art & Collection

Paik’s robot sculpture carries a basket with books, CDs, wood mushrooms, and chessmen. The chess figures very likely refer to Cage’s 1944 composition, Chess Pieces, which he designed as a…

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Nam June Paik – Global Art Legend (Part 1)
Nam June Paik, John Cage Robot II (detail)

Nam June Paik – Global Art Legend (Part 1)

Art & Collection

The month of July marks the 82nd birthday anniversary of Nam June Paik (1932-2006), one of the most significant “global artists” in Crystal Bridges’ collection. A major work by Paik,…

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Whistler's Evening Walk
James McNeill Whistler, Green and Violet: The Evening Walk

Whistler's Evening Walk

Art & Collection
Today is the birthday of James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903).  In celebration, today we offer up this excerpt from an article about Whistler's Green and Violet: The Evening Walk, a painting in Crystal Bridges'…
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Ursula Von Rydingsvard
Ursula Von Rydingsvard, Unraveling

Ursula Von Rydingsvard

Activities & Education Art & Collection At the Museum
Unraveling, the large wall sculpture on view on the north side of the Early Twentieth Century Gallery Bridge, was created by Ursula Von Rydingsvard in 2007. Von Rydingsvard will visit…
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Faces of History: Cherokee Leader John Ridge
Charles Bird King, Portrait of John Ridge

Faces of History: Cherokee Leader John Ridge

Art & Collection

Visitors who have been in our Colonial and Early Nineteenth-Century Art Gallery recently have probably noticed several changes: the Museum is currently installing a new exhibition in the small gallery…

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Charles Bird King's Native American Leaders
Guests view Charles Bird King's portrait of Cherokee politician John Ridge

Charles Bird King's Native American Leaders

Art & Collection Exhibitions

In Crystal Bridges’ Colonial and Early Nineteenth-Century Art Gallery you will find two portraits of Ottoe chiefs painted by Charles Bird King ca. 1822-24. This pair of portraits are part…

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Lafayette, Morse, and the March of Progress
Samuel F.B. Morse

Lafayette, Morse, and the March of Progress

Art & Collection

Today is the birthday of American artist and inventor Samuel F.B. Morse. In recognition, Crystal Bridges’ Interpretation Manager Aaron Jones spools out a fascinating and complex yarn of  art, technology,…

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Crystal Bridges Receives Award for Conservation
Luis Jimenez, Vaquero sculpture

Crystal Bridges Receives Award for Conservation

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor

A few weeks ago the Arkansas Museums Association hosted it’s annual meeting in North Little Rock. The meeting is a wonderful two and half days of sessions and events that…

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After the Last Supper: Casting Some Light on Light-Sensitive Works
Devorah Sperber, After The Last Supper

After the Last Supper: Casting Some Light on Light-Sensitive Works

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
"Where is After the Last Supper?" Guests who visited Crystal Bridges in the first few months after our opening in November, 2011, will likely remember the large, dramatic work by…
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Striking Results of Chemical Analysis Reveal that Pigment used in Macdonald-Wright Painting Derived Entirely from Skittles
Skittles - rainbow colored candy

Striking Results of Chemical Analysis Reveal that Pigment used in Macdonald-Wright Painting Derived Entirely from Skittles

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor

Several months ago, when a team of conservators were assessing the condition of works in the Crystal Bridges permanent collection, they noticed something strange. The pigment in Stanton Macdonald-Wright’s painting…

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Tricking the Eye with Deborah Butterfield
What is Deborah Butterfield's sculpture Redstick really made of

Tricking the Eye with Deborah Butterfield

Art & Collection

Once the firing is complete and the shell has cooled, it is cleaned out. Even coats of microcrystalline wax are heated and poured into the shell as it is slowly…

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Significant Careers of Determined Artists: Janet Sobel
Which artist began experimenting with drip painting first

Significant Careers of Determined Artists: Janet Sobel

Art & Collection
“Sobel clearly had a moment and really broke through in ways that other artists hadn’t yet done,” said Don Bacigalupi, Crystal Bridges’ President.  “Pollock gets all the glory, and Pollock…
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Albert Pinkham Ryder
Albert Pinkham Ryder, Misty Moonlight

Albert Pinkham Ryder

Art & Collection
Crystal Bridges is fortunate to possess a stable work produced by this great American painter.  Located within the Nineteenth-Century Art Gallery, Ryder’s Misty Moonlight is a rare work in regard…
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The European Connection: Part 3
Alfred H. Maurer, Two Heads

The European Connection: Part 3

Art & Collection Exhibitions

This is the third in a series of posts related to The European Connection, an exhibition of American modern artists from Crystal Bridges’ collection that will be on view concurrently with…

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The European Connection: Part 2
Oscar Bluemner, Motive of Space and Form - A New Jersey Village

The European Connection: Part 2

Art & Collection Exhibitions

This is the second in a series of posts related to The European Connection, an exhibition of American modern artists from Crystal Bridges’ collection that will be on view concurrently…

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The European Connection: Part 1
Max Weber, My Studio in Paris

The European Connection: Part 1

Art & Collection Exhibitions

On March 15, 2014 Crystal Bridges will open an exciting new exhibition titled The William S. Paley Collection: A Taste for Modernism. William S. Paley (1901-1990), the founder and chairman…

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Keeping the Art Comfortable: Climate Control at Crystal Bridges
Snow scene of a tree lined pathway leading to building

Keeping the Art Comfortable: Climate Control at Crystal Bridges

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
This is the brains of the HVAC system. All of the data that is collected by sensors is sent here, compiled by a processor within the unit, and is then…
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How It All Began: Alice Walton’s Watercolors
Georgia O'Keeffe, Red and Blue No. I

How It All Began: Alice Walton’s Watercolors

Art & Collection Exhibitions

While exploring Crystal Bridges, guests encounter a wide variety of artworks ranging in scale, style, and media, the creation thereof spanning roughly five centuries. From James Wooldridges’s seventeenth-century depiction…

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