Common Name: Wild Ginger
Botanical Name: Asarum canadense
NARRATOR: Wild ginger has a rich history of uses from culinary to medicinal to spiritual. Ethnobotanist Justin Nolan details some of the ways this versatile native plant has been utilized by a number of Native American tribes.
JUSTIN NOLAN: Wild ginger, Asarum canadense. This is a member of the birthwort family. It’s a low growing perennial with a host of cultural uses. Genetically, wild ginger is fairly unrelated to true ginger, which is a native of Southern China, although the two do share similar aromatic qualities. Wild ginger in North America forms the base of numerous cold, cough and sore throat remedies in Native American medicine. The plant is often cited as an effective treatment against tuberculosis, typhoid, and scarlet fever. Wild ginger preparations are known to promote digestion, to ease anxiety and to relax children who suffered from nightmares. Ranging in distribution from the plain states to the Atlantic, wild ginger was incorporated extensively in various Native North American food preparation customs, given it’s a spicy and zesty flavor. Wild ginger root was applied when roasting the gamiest tasting meats, rendering them more pleasant to the pallet.
Wild ginger has wide application beyond food and medicine as the Iroquois, for example, believe that the plant could ward away lingering ghosts and spirits. And as such, they valued it accordingly as a powerful charm. Like bloodroot, wild ginger favors rich, shady soils and provides an excellent, pleasant-smelling ground cover for shade gardens.
NARRATOR: Cody George, Crystal Bridge’s horticulturalist, discusses Dr. Neil Compton’s native plant beds near Crystal Spring, which our grounds crew has uncovered and renewed.
CODY GEORGE: The terraces just south of Crystal Spring Pond are remnants of what was Dr. Compton’s original trial beds for Crystal Spring Garden that he had. These were covered up with many layers of leaves, as well as a layer of Japanese honeysuckle.
So after we first noticed these terraces in the garden, we removed the leaves and then we removed the honeysuckle, and what was left were these 12 nicely flattened terraces on the side of the hillside. These terraces were marked out by different rocks that were placed around – most of the rocks were in fact intact, so we only had to replace a few of them. And later on we saw a document that had an original plant lists for Crystal Spring Garden. And there are plants that are in these terrace beds that are on the list, like roseshell azalea, and beautybush.
So we’re happy to display these beds, and we add to these beds – we add Ozark native plants to these beds just to help further Dr. Compton’s legacy.
Plant family: Aristolochiaceae
Location: Art Trail, North Forest Trail, Rock Ledge Trail, Tulip Tree Trail
Growing zone: 3-8
Height: 6-8 in.
Spread: 12-16 in.
Bloom time: March, April
Bloom description: The maroon flowers nestle on the ground in early spring and can only be properly enjoyed by lying on the forest floor with it. The flowers are 1 in. in diameter and resemble little brown jugs that have been knocked over on the ground.
Leaf type: The heart-shaped, dark-green leaves are the main attraction for this woodland wildflower. They vary in size from 3-6 in. in diameter.
Garden uses: Wild Ginger is a perfect choice for a native groundcover. It likes dappled sun to full shade with moist, well-drained soil. As the colony spreads, it forms a lush green carpet that compliments any woodland garden.
Wildlife benefits: Provides shelter for small mammals and amphibians.