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American Hop Hornbeam

American Hop Hornbeam leaf

Common Name: American Hop Hornbeam

Botanical Name: Ostrya virginiana

American Hop Hornbeam leaf

Plant family: Betulaceae

Location: Art Trail

Growing zone: 4-9

Height: 25-40 ft.

Spread: 25-30 ft.

Bloom time: May, June

Bloom description: The flowers are a grouping of three brown catkins, 1 in. long (male). The female flowers appear on a scaly cone and when pollinated, the seeds ripen in a papery pod that resembles hops.

Leaf type: The oval-shaped leaves are 2-5 in. long and 2-2 1/2 in. wide. The leaves change from a dark green to an uneventful yellow in the fall. The blades of the leaves are lined with thin, irregular serrations.

Garden uses: Best used as an understory tree in dry, rocky soil conditions.

Wildlife benefits: Deer and rabbits browse on the tender vegetation while grouse and quail eat the nutlets.