Arbor Day Celebration
Embrace nature and create lasting memories with us at the Campus Parking Plaza. Get creative by crafting tree-like sculptures inspired by Roxy Paine’s Yield, and enjoy tree-themed drinks and snacks available for purchase at the Plaza Cafe. Engage in hands-on activities and chat with local nature experts and community partners, including NWA Master Naturalists, Arkansas 4-H, the Ozark Chinquapin Foundation, George Imrie – Ozark Chinquapin Wood Carving Artist, Hobbs State Park, and the Amazeum.
While you’re here, participate in a drop-in tree care workshop led by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Forestry.
Free, no registration required.
Don’t forget to take home a tree sapling from our giveaway between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM (while supplies last). Crystal Bridges Members can start getting a sapling at 12:30 PM.