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Arbor Day Celebration

Campus Parking North Forest
No Ticket Required.
Tree limbs in sunshine

Embrace nature and create lasting memories with us at the Campus Parking Plaza. Get creative by crafting tree-like sculptures inspired by Roxy Paine’s Yield, and enjoy tree-themed drinks and snacks available for purchase at the Plaza Cafe. Engage in hands-on activities and chat with local nature experts and community partners, including NWA Master Naturalists, Arkansas 4-H, the Ozark Chinquapin Foundation, George Imrie – Ozark Chinquapin Wood Carving Artist, Hobbs State Park, and the Amazeum.

While you’re here, participate in a drop-in tree care workshop led by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Forestry.
Free, no registration required.

Don’t forget to take home a tree sapling from our giveaway between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM (while supplies last). Crystal Bridges Members can start getting a sapling at 12:30 PM.