If you’re a gardener, then you know there’s nothing like that feeling you get when you head to the garden center and find the perfect plant for the perfect spot in your yard.
With unbridled enthusiasm you carefully plant your new friend. You water it, give it loving looks, and maybe even sing to it. Until the inevitable happens—deer footprints appear in the garden, leading to the demise of your leafy goodness.
We’ve all been there, and sometimes it feels like nothing except an eight-foot-tall fence around every inch of your property will quell the appetite of the local deer population. While that is certainly an option (albeit an expensive one), there are other things that you can do to both have a garden and live with deer.
Choosing plants that have deer-resistant qualities such as a strong fragrance, thorns, or glaucous (wax-like) leaves is a start. But there are other methods like design tricks, sprays, and even dogs that can help protect your plant babies.
Want to learn more? Then be sure to attend this month’s Discover the Grounds class on Deer Resistant Gardening. We’ll discuss the history of the deer population in Arkansas and share some tips and tricks that we practice here at the museum to repel deer.
We’d also love to hear from you—how do you keep deer out of your garden? Stop by and let us know!
Learn more and reserve your free tickets to Discover the Grounds: Deer Resistant Gardening on our calendar, or check out upcoming nature events below.

Family Movement: Sculpture Walk with Big Paws of the Ozarks
- North Forest